03/31/11 The Biggest Risk

I mentioned yesterday that D and I met online. Not thru a dating website but surprisingly because of a parenting email list. Something just clicked between the two of us and soon we were emailing off the list which led to AIM chats and then phone conversations. Around three months later work sent him to Florida and for some reason I offered to pick him up at the airport and drive him home. Yes, this was as crazy as it sounds. I had noย cell phone, no one knew where I was going, we had never met in person…actually the only picture I’d seen had been taken years earlier. I’d never done a drive like that alone: 250 miles, 4.5 hours. Thoughts keep bouncing between knowing I was doing the right thing and am I absolutely insane? At that time you could still meet passengers at the gate, and as soon as I saw him I knew everything was fine: we hugged and started talking like friends who had known each other for years.

That was 11 years ago today. Topic #79 at The Daily Post was Describe the biggest risk you’ve ever taken. I’d have to say that drive of faith would be mine. I still occasionally joke that he’s an ax murderer; his response is that he’s a very patient man and waiting for the right time ๐Ÿ˜‰

[Disclaimer: Many people meet thru the internet with good or even fantastic results. I do not recommend meeting anyone-friend or potential date-the way I did. Be smart and be safe!]

12 thoughts on “03/31/11 The Biggest Risk

  1. Big risk, huge reward. I’m sure you’re glad you followed your intuition.
    Fabulous story!!
    Thanks for sharing, Theresa!

    • We’ve all heard the internet-meeting horror stories; all these years later I still sometimes thing I can’t believe I did that! I truly believe in intuition, gut-feelings, etc.

    • I never thought about it that way but yes, I suppose the automatic response to ‘risk’ would be negative. Interesting thought ๐Ÿ™‚

  2. Sometimes, you just know in your heart that it’s the right thing no matter what any one else thinks. I am so glad you two found each other, and all that happiness!

  3. That is cool. I met my wife on MySpace…she found me on there & asked to be my friend. We started talking about movies & found a few things to talk about that we both liked & it went nuts from there…this Novemember will be 4 years together. Great story..happy for you!

  4. Some big risks are so worth taking.
    I met my husband in the street outside a nightclub. Our eyes met and the rest is history…

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